Have your pre-purchase car inspection carried out by a real professional

Book a mobile used car pre-purchase inspection at the location of your choice. Used car inspection by professional mechanics within 24 hours.

A pre-sale or pre-purchase used car inspection allows you to know the true condition of a used car. The service is intended for both used car sellers and buyers.

Garagiste effectuant une inspection d'un moteur d'un véhicule d'occasion en suivant un protocole électronique.

Pre-purchase inspection of used cars starting at 149$

Complete our form once you have found your used car. We take care of having it inspected quickly so that you can make an informed decision quickly.

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Everything you need to know about the pre-purchase inspection of a used car

did you know that even a car “certified” by a dealer should be inspected by an independent professional? The same as for a demonstrator vehicle, because the latter is considered a used car within the meaning of the law.

Who must pay for a used or demonstrator car inspection? The seller or the buyer? Very good question. There are several scenarios. A seller could carry out and therefore pay for a mechanical inspection before putting his vehicle up for sale (pre-sale inspection). A buyer could pay for the inspection to check the condition of the used car they plan to purchase. Finally, by mutual agreement, the seller and the buyer could share the costs of the inspection.

When to do a car inspection?

There are several moments in the life of a car that prompt us to have it inspected:

  • Upon the occurrence of a breakage or problem
  • After a repair, in case of doubts about the quality of the work carried out by a mechanic
  • Upon the occurrence of a breakage or problem
  • Before buying or selling a used car, to find out its condition
  • Before purchasing a demonstrator
  • As the expiration date of a car warranty approaches
  • When returning the car after a long-term rental
  • To check for possible mechanical defects
  • Once a year to know the condition of your car

Definition of a mechanical inspection

The mechanical inspection of a used vehicle in a transaction context is a visual inspection of different components:

  • Bodywork and seat belt assembly
  • Windshields and windows
  • Wiper
  • Mirror
  • Lighting accessories
  • Exhaust system
  • Braking system
  • Direction
  • Suspension
  • Wheels and tires
  • Hitch system

Tests and a test drive are usually completed.

The mechanic records his observations in an inspection report which provides information on the state of wear of the components. The mechanical inspection allows you to know the condition of the vehicle, to ensure the safety of the driver and future passengers and to avoid or plan sometimes costly repairs.

Whether the seller is an individual, a dealership or a used vehicle dealer, he should not object to such an inspection. If he objects, this could clearly mean that he is trying to hide one or more items on the vehicle. Even if the seller tells you that they have already carried out an inspection of the vehicle, it is advisable to have an independent inspection carried out by a garage of your choice. You will then act as a prudent and diligent buyer.

The different places to do a pre-purchase car inspection

Several options are available to you when the time comes to do a pre-purchase inspection (PPI) for a car.

You can go to a garage chain like Canadian Tire, Napa AutoPro, or to an independent neighborhood garage, commonly called a corner garage. The professionals who work there do most of the time maintenance and repairs and sometimes inspections.

A service like PeachyCar gives you access to car inspectors who do just that and who have developed very specific expertise in this area.

Another advantage is that with PeachyCar, it is the inspector who travels and not you who has to take time to bring the vehicle to be inspected.

Organization of the pre-purchase inspection of a used car

Organizing the mechanical inspection of a used car is relatively simple.

If the seller is a dealer or a professional used car seller, he can deliver the car to the garage of your choice or entrust it to you so that you can have it inspected at the garage of your choice. The garage must be located at a reasonable distance from the place of origin of the car. You can also agree with the dealer or professional seller to have a mobile inspector come to inspect the used car directly at their home.

In the case of a private seller, you have several options. You can meet at the garage of your choice, you can go together to have the inspection carried out or you can send a used car inspector who will come to the location where the car is located.

Whatever your choice, you will need to make an appointment in advance at the garage or with the mobile used car inspector.
A seller who refuses a pre-purchase inspection of a used car may have things to hide about the car he is selling. You will have to remain vigilant.

Mechanical inspection of a vehicle sold by a dealership or used vehicle dealer

To have a vehicle sold by a dealership or a used vehicle dealer inspected, you can make an agreement with them. They can directly deliver the vehicle to the garage of your choice or even entrust the vehicle to you so that you can take it to the garage. However, the inspection location must be located at a reasonable distance from the place of sale.

It is important to be aware of the limits of inspections carried out by dealers or merchants under the name of certified vehicle.

Mechanical inspection of a vehicle sold by an individual

To have a vehicle sold by an individual inspected, you can make an agreement with the individual seller so that he or she will meet you at the garage at the time of the appointment with the vehicle. He could also entrust you with the vehicle so that you can take it to the garage during the inspection. A mobile mechanic could also come to the site to inspect the car.

Other reasons to do a used car inspection

Many of our customers remain surprised when we explain to them that doing a car inspection when purchasing a used car is good, but that it can also be done:

  • nearing the end of a warranty
  • when returning a rental
  • once a year to know the condition of your vehicle
  • to plan your expenses for parts and maintenance.

A real pre-purchase inspection of a used car pre-purchase or pre-sale in 183 points

Having a used vehicle inspected by a true professional before purchasing it will allow you to know its true condition and buy it at the best price.

Our network of independent mechanical inspectors guarantees you a professional, objective and thorough inspection.

As we do not sell the vehicles ourselves, we carry out inspections which will give you the correct information on the condition of your used car. Interior and exterior of the vehicle, engine compartment, road test, history, nothing will be left to chance during the pre-purchase or spot inspection.

With a pre-sale or pre-purchase car inspection, you ensure that you sell or buy a safe car, knowing about future repairs and respecting your budget.

Our auto inspection service is available in the greater Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax and Winnipeg. It will soon be available in other cities.

Mécanicien effectuant une inspection automobile en plusieurs points dans un garage

A complete inspection of your used car

Icône liste de tâche

Administrative verification

A complete administrative verification of the vehicle allows you to purchase a vehicle in good standing.

Checking the engine

Engine, fluids, fuel system, cooling system and electrical circuit, everything is inspected.

Road test

A test drive ensures that the vehicle behaves and functions properly on the road.

Interior and exterior condition

A careful inspection of the interior and exterior of the vehicle will identify any defects.

Cities served to have a used car inspected

Questions les plus posées sur l'inspection d'auto d'occasion

La peur no 1 des acheteurs de voitures d’occasion est d’acheter un citron et de devoir débourser des milliers de dollars supplémentaires en réparation.

En faisant inspecter votre auto avant de la mettre en vente vous démontrez aux acheteurs potentiels votre sérieux et l’état réel de votre auto. Vous limitez également les risques de poursuites juridiques car l’acheteur aura pris sa décision d’achat en toute connaissance de cause.

La durée moyenne d’une inspection se situe entre 1 h 30 à 2 h. La durée varie en fonction de l’état du véhicule et des éléments qui seront relevés lors des l’inspection et qui seront consignés dans le rapport d’inspection.

Oui. Il est recommandé de faire inspecter, par une professionnel de votre choix, tout véhicule d’occasion que vous souhaitez acheter, que le vendeur soit un particulier, un concessionnaire ou un vendeur professionnel. En cas de refus de la part du vendeur de vous laisser faire inspecter l’auto par un professionnel indépendant, il y a de fortes chances que ce dernier préfère vous cacher des choses sur son état.

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